August 13, 2013

Eid Mubarok Day

happy eid mubarok day 1434 H
mistakes are ours.
perfection is only Allah's.

The Great Allah who gives me more times more faith and breathe to join ramadhan this year and close it with eid mubarok. greet and meet with all folks and family from place to place. eat every kind of food from place to place. get more money from folks and neighbors. play and have fun with brothers and sisters from distant family. this is the gift from Allah. nothing sacrifice that doesn't make a reward. it's worth it. i never have the words to say except my great thankful for the chance that Allah has already given to me. to my family. to us.

with all respect and not lost from my faith, i apologize to you all the people in the world for my mistakes. in this right time and good chance, we all reborn. new life. new faith. and new story. will begin from now.

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