people die everyday.
someday, i will die.
when He come for me, i surrender. nothing can stop Him. nothing. no one.
when He come for me, am i ready?
when He come for me, does He take me softly? or hardly, till i am bleeding, and agony.
when He come for me, does it hurt? does it pain? how it feels?
when He come for me, what it's like? seeing the world for the last time, looking at my parents, my family, my friends, all of them, who i love, do they cry? do they lost me? do they care about me? do they feel me? actually, when i died, i'm omnipresent. in their sides, in their hearts, and always will be. but do they feel my present? or they will forget me?
when He come for me, can i ask for little minutes again to be with them, to hug them, one by one, and say goodbye, forever..
when You come for me God, and if i have not had time to say sorry and thanks to the people who cared for me, please, tell them, whisper in their hearts, show them in their dreams, how much i love them and how happy i was when with them.
God, i love them.
take care of them, protect them, when i have nothing else beside them.
and for all the people who cared,
i hope it's worth it what's left behind me
i know you'll find your own way when i am not with you
so tell everybody the ones who walk beside me
i hope you'll find your own way when i am not with you tonight -Fiction, Avenged Sevenfold
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