April 25, 2013


i'm afraid of losing you, someday.
even i am certainly sure, if i am gonna lose you, someday.
yeah, this is life. we're always gonna lose someone.

but promise me, that this statement is true, "no matter how hard, how far, and how bad the situations and conditions are, if someone who has lost from you is belong to you, his destination to come back is just you."

then promise me you will come back to me, and for me.

but, here i wanna ask you,

who are you?

because i didn't mean to someone in that statement is you, that you've already guessed before. not always to you the word 'you' is mean for.

April 23, 2013

that's it

hidup itu mesti sabar. yeaah, but normal person has the limit of his time to be patient right? seems like i want to break the limit, till it's done. and no more limit has left. biar sabarku ga ada batasnya. habisnya, lama kelamaan bersabar itu gaenak juga. tapi kata Allah disuruh bersabar sih.

tapi kapan hari itu baca tweetnya deden, sabar itu gak ada batasnya. cuman manusia yg membatasi. sesungguhnya jika kita membatasi sabar, kita termasuk belum bisa sabar.

that's such a great statement. really.
jadi, bisa dibilang sih aku belum termasuk orang yang sabar. susah buat sabar. dan tweetnya deden tadi yg nyadarin aku secara ga langsung. yeah, meski saya bukan manusia yg bisa bersabar, setidaknya saya udah jadi manusia yg sadar akan arti kesabaran.

that's it.

April 21, 2013

top secret story

sssssh, calm down your voice, promise me, you'll never tell this to anyone.
i have a secret, this is really really secret. how secret is it? it's top secret. like i have to kill you after i told you this.
you ready? wait, wait.
check your room, is there any other person? if yes, let him go away from you now. if no, check it again, just make sure if there is no person except you who will be listen to my secret.

why i call it as a secret? because nobody knows about this news. no one knows. even president, even CIA or FBI, they don't know. it's just me.

well, here we go..

i know something about this earth. i mean, this phenomenon is happening in our earth. and it's terrible.. really terrible. well, i am not sure you're ready to hear that. but, promise me you'll never feel afraid. promise me you'll never get mad to me after i told you this. because maybe you can't sleep after hear my secret. you won't eat, even take a bath. no, you won't do something. i am afraid if you're doing so.
no, no.

so, i ask you once again,
are you really ready to hear about my secret? are you sure you will still do your activities like usual after you hear my secret? are you sure if you won't feel afraid? are you sure if you will still get some eats? just to make you sure it. because i don't want to be someone who will be punished of causes-someone-crazy. no i don't.

okay i continue it. this phenomenon makes everyone can't see the sun. so the world becomes so dark. really dark and scary. no sun. no bright. no shine. it just dark.

okay i stop it. i think you look so scared. but i have to continue my story. this is the last part, promise me not to feel afraid.

this phenomenon is happening once in a day, and it's happening everyday. where the sun is slow down disappeared, and it's replaced by the moon. yes, this phenomenon is called "night".


kemarin itu hari sabtu, iya semua orang tau itu
kemarin itu grand finalnya idola cilik 2013, bagas vs difa.
oke yg itu gapenting.

kemaren itu saya berasa balik ke masa-masa 3 taun yg lalu.
kemaren itu rio muncul di tv.

well, Rio.
iya, Mario Stevano Aditya Haling. buat yg gatau, search google aja.

kemaren itu, pertama kali ngeliat rio lagi setelah 3 taun sama sekali ga liat dia.
tingginya nambah drastis, gingsulnya tetep, ketawanya tetep, manisnya tetep, tetep pake gelang rante di tangan kanannya, dan jam tangan di tangan kirinya, well tetep kaya 3 taun yg lalu. suaranya berubah, iya sih ya, kan udah sma. dulu masih smp, tp falsetnya tetep. suaranya masih merdu, lembut, improvenya keren, gayanya makin keren. subhanallah.

dan itu ngangenin. banget :'))))))))

dia kemaren nyanyi harmoni. persis kaya 3 taun yang lalu waktu dia masih di ic juga nyanyi harmoni sambil diiringi kak oni. bedanya kalo dulu dia nyanyi sendiri, kemaren dia nyanyi sama lintar.

well, berkaca-kaca jadinya.

setelah 3 taun nahan kangen ga karuan, akhirnya kemaren ngeliat dia juga.

apa lagi ya?

intinya, histeria saya kemaren di twitter berasa balik 3 taun yg lalu. jiwa rise saya berasa balik lagi. berasa flashback kaya dulu waktu masih rame-rame bareng di twitter sama rise. spam pas ultahnya rio tapi sempet berhasil bikin #Rio13thBornDay nangkring di TT worldwide sejam lah. trus annivnya rise juga, sering kita dulu bikin TT pas ultahnya rio sama annivnya rise. beh kangen banget:')))))
bodo amat dibilang spam, 3 TAUN MEN NUNGGUIN RIO, 3 TAUN. lama loh itu.
pokoknya, gabisa digambarin lagi, intinya saya nangis karna nahan kangen. bayangin aja ga liat orang yang udah kita kangenin 3 taun loh. dan akhirnya muncul di tv juga. cuma sebentar sih. tapi, bersyukurlah.

tapi kayanya kemaren itu bukannya terobati malah tambah galau ga karuan. masih kurang puas-___________- bentar banget kemaren itu.

oke post ini memang sedikit alay dan berlebihan, bodo amat. saya emang selalu histeris kalo sudah menyangkut rio. ini cuma bagian kecil dari kehisteriaan saya kemaren.
